Minds of the Meeting

Introducing Minds of the Meeting™, a new role playing game for your creative team meetings. The goal of this role playing game is to help produce new perspectives and ideas while adding some fun to your meetings. This game will challenge team members to think differently by temporarily assigning everyone a new role. It’s super fun and can help bring out fresh ideas from anyone on your team or client side.




Thinking like a client during your meetings can be extremely beneficial. No, not because the client always gets their way… but because your team needs to understand how the client would react to your solutions. It?s super important to be prepared for your clients response and have the right reasons and data to back your work up. So go go client mind set and get great results! ????????????????????????????
Get your very own card deck with link in bio!
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Every great problem solver needs to put on their hacker hat now and then in order to help quickly think of new approaches using technology and tamper with the information in a productive way. What would a hacker do? Even if you?re not one, only thinking like one temporarily can garner awesome results for your meeting!

Make meetings fun again! Get out of your current mindset and see what new ideas spark.

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