Lacing Up Foot Locker’s New App

The new mobile app elevates Foot Locker’s digital presence, offering customers an enhanced sneaker shopping experience built around exclusive releases, the FLX loyalty program, and omnichannel capabilities. The app is a key element of Foot Locker’s Lace Up plan, with goal of increasing digital sales as a percentage of total revenue from 17% to 25% over the next 3 years.

Engagement Highlights:
• Mobile App Strategy: Conducted market and consumer research to craft the vision for the Foot Locker app experience and its role in expanding the sneaker market.
• Creative & UX/UI Design: Re-designed the entire mobile app, including an enhanced ‘Releases’ experience and with Foot Locker’s FLX loyalty program integrated throughout the journey.
• Build, Test, and Launch: Brought Deloitte’s offerings together across commerce, product, engineering, quality, and cyber to develop iOS and Android versions of the app.


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