Jordan Polonsky

Design Director & Designpreneur

I’m passionate about solving people-centric problems, creating digital experiences, defining strategies, designing future-forward interfaces and leading teams that transform organizations — all while having fun and collaborating with ridiculously talented people. Worlds longest sentence? You betcha.

Here’s a bit more about what I do best:

  • Work closely with engineering, UX, and product teams to create and oversee the larger product vision
  • Co-create and execute against product roadmaps, feature sets and story maps
  • Work hands on with, manage and mentor product designers across platforms and screens with an emphasis on web & mobile platforms
  • Ensure high quality design deliverables that build/follow design systems with consistent brand language
  • Drive overall Design team’s operations, strategy and process while providing articulate and constructive feedback
  • Explore and push the boundaries of design thinking and digital interface design while inspiring teams to do their best work
  • Effectively work on a unified front with UX teams to create successful user experiences and achieve business objectives
  • Involved in vetting, hiring and training new members of the design team while being an advocate for the design team to set up for success
  • Foster an open, collaborative and inclusive environment for the design teams and beyond
  • Always have fun and put forth effort to help build team and company culture



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